The Teaching Resource Exchange - Home
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last edited
by Rachel Wetts 10 years ago
Welcome to Berkeley Sociology's Teaching Resource Exchange!
Our mission is to serve as an online platform where instructors can easily upload and access teaching materials. This collaborative project allows us to collect and share the pedagogical creativity and talent of our department, reduce instructor workload, and enhance student outcomes.
The Exchange Includes:
- Standard handouts applicable in multiple courses (e.g., rubrics, standard language for section syllabi, lists of campus resources)
- Lesson plans for teaching particular texts or topics; lesson plans are organized by course, author, and topic
- Activities for teaching general skills (e.g., writing, critical reading)
- General resources and tips for GSIs (e.g., tips on dealing with student issues, links to other helpful websites, templates and ideas for activities that can be adapted to teach multiple topics)
How to Use the Exchange:
- To access resources, use the Search bar or navigate resources using the file folder system on the right. "Pages" contain descriptions of the files uploaded, while "Files" will simply show you the names of all the files that have been uploaded into a particular folder.
- To add resources, 1) upload your document using the "Pages & Files" tab above, then 2) create a link to your file on the appropriate page.
- Check out our more Detailed Instructions and Questions and Answers pages if you have more questions! If you're question's not answered, add it to the Questions and Answers page, and a fellow student or the current site administrator will address it soon!
Looking for a good lesson plan, but not sure where to start?
- First check out what's been posted for the course you're GSIing for, the author whose work you're discussing, or the topic you're discussing. But if there's not much there:
- Check out our Adaptable Activities, designed to be flexible for use in many contexts.
- Check out our Favorites List for some highly recommended activities. Some are expressly designed to be adaptable to teaching multiple texts. Others are more closely tailored to a particular class, but you can use these excellent resources to inspire your own lesson. (Note: Favorites List is still in development. Help build it by commenting on materials you use -- or adding a favorite lesson plan to the list!)
- Add your topic/reading to the Wish List so that others know there's a need to be filled here!
The Teaching Resource Exchange - Home
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
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